How to cope with stress times?

4:48:00 PM


Work, work and work ...every single dream works only by hard work, this is a postulate that we need admitting it by effort to see how far we can go in lifetime. Sometimes you wonder how much you will work and until when the dark side will finally disappear! The agonizing tenseness within your soul takes the joy out of your day simply because of the accelerated pace the world is going by.
Slow down and take a long breath, going along this world’s pace means nothing than following people’s foolish and hasty decisions, in other terms copying others worlds! You don’t have to ,because this is not what the internal “you”  needs to, your life tells you “everything will be ok”, just be patient and a little braver the greatness will turn itself .Remember stress is only hunting your mind, once you realize you can’t control your life anymore , that time is exactly the start of everything over, hence give your dear self some fresh air by:

  1. Organization :  make things organised by appropriate schedules and daily planning.
  2. Give each duty an adequate space time.
  3. Take care of your health, skin, hair, and the beautiful “you”, clothing, and the place you’re living in...etc
  4. Love yourself and appreciate your achievements that really helps you to get rid of stress.
  5. Contact spiritually with the One who created you every time you wake up in morning.
  6. Do some yoga exercises (preferably at morning ) .
  7. Read beautiful quotes, marvellous stories or motivational videos that can encourage you and   help you move steps forward...
  8. Stay away from stressful people who stress you all the time, these kinds of people they will not motivate you but just pushing you down.
  9. Be yourself that mean do not compare yourself with others, because that  will not change anything, it will just bring stress, narcissism and antagonism. Also say why she has succed on   that and me not,why...... ? , try not to do that because your skills are not the same skills as   others, may are good at some things but not good at what you can do... remember that.

 Being self-controlled purifies your soul from stress and unexplained nervousness in addition teaches  you how to deal with anxious situations in a better way. Life can’t be stress-free but at least we can  reduce the intensity of stress during the day.


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10 commentaires

  1. Great tips! I really try and read motivational quotes when I am at my lowest.
    Hope you have a great day!


    1. thanks dear Vanessa for your sweet words,hope it helps.

  2. I'm trying to be a lot less stress free and positive. I really want to start doing yoga. One thing that's helped me is to avoid saying all negative words whether it be the word 'stupid' or a swear word... if i can avoid then I will because why spread negativity when we don't have to.
    Aleeha xXx

    1. it works only in your benefit if you chase the negativety away from your daily life, yoga is one of the main stress-free methods ...hope it helps dear.

  3. Such a well timed post as i'm struggling with stress at the moment! Thank you :) x

    1. everything will be ok needs only some time for big changes Sarah! ...thanks for your sweet comment

  4. Some great reminders of ways to deal with stress. I think it's Helpful for everyone across all age groups.

    1. Thank you dear THE SUNDAY MODE ,yes it can help all ages

  5. Organisation is such an important point and I'm glad uve covered it. Staying organised makes things so much easier, not only your life but everything around u, organised drawers, house, wardrobe, bag everything has to be perfect in my house which makes me overall a happier person!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Happy New Year to you and your family!! Dominica from

    1. Happy New Year Dear DOMINICA SYGULA I wish you all the best and Thank you for your sweet words.
