Are dark circles your nightmare?

4:51:00 PM

Hello Dear Beauties,

Every person dreams of a glowing face free of dark circles , these  dark discolorations  are  caused by  stress which is the primordial factor leading most of the time to lack of sleep , prolonged cries ...etc, so make sure to control yourself once again and fight "the challenging situations "  calmly !
Well, you see that I point too much on the inner self part  because nothing can be  really changed if you keep stressing out , believe me there is no remedy  in the world that can work effectively if you’re not heart comforted and mind balanced , just stay tall in the battle and give it your all ,yeah that simple ..Ohh now back to dark circles, long time ago, I tried bunch of things under my baggy eyes, and hence the pure results for my crazy experiments are:

-          Iced cucumber : I know this is a quiet ancient method, but it really works for me so I highly recommend it, you just have to freeze slices of cucumber then massage it gently in circular motion under your eyes for 5 min and let the magic happen! Keep it daily before going to sleep as a special treatment for your tired eyes.
-         You can massage from time to time almond oil, it gives back for your eyes their natural look.
-         For youthful eyes spray some drops of rose water or rose oil under the dark rings.
-         Another great tip is to drink tomato juice more frequently, it improves the health of your skin (reduction of acne, skin cell damage ...), and it can be mashed up and applied as a facial mask.

If you have any better methods , don’t hesitate to contact me so I can share it with you all , the bonus tip that I can give you is  to keep your body well hydrated by drinking more water ( at least 8-9 cups a day ) , water  the only life liquid that you get thirsty for , that’s why drink plenty of it  as much as you can .Don’t be the panda anymore ^_- .


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